Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Pathetic Blueberry

So I'm sitting on my patio while the girls play in the sandbox, and I need to share about my pathetic blueberry bush.  I have a blueberry bush that my mom ordered for me about 3 years ago as a very small plant from some catalog - Burpee, maybe, I'm not entirely sure.  At the time we didn't really have a good space worked up to put it in, so I planted it in a large pot - one that came with a fairly substantial tree we planted that year.  Three years later, the blueberry is still in the same pot, but it is rather pathetic and I can't quite figure out why.  The pot is plenty large for it - I haven't taken it out of the pot to check it's roots, but it's still a fairly small plant and I can't imagine it being root-bound in the pot it's in.  Every year I give it a couple inches of compost on the top of it, but I don't fertilize it with much else.  Before I converted to solely organic gardening last year, I'd give it a weak dose of synthetic fertilizer every so often.

We finally have the small (3'x3') raised bed built for it, and as soon as it dries out enough to work the ground up I'm going to be digging in compost, mulch & peat moss in the spot it will go.  However, I'm a wondering if this thing is ever going to really take off and produce fruit.  This year I gave it a hearty 2-3 inches of compost in the top of the pot, and some hollytone since blueberries are acid loving.  At this point we'll wait and see.  Kate absolutely loves blueberries, so it would be really nice if this bush would actually grow and produce fruit!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

So here goes nothing...

After seeing so many of my friends blogs, I have decided to give it a try myself.  I used to be good at journaling and whatnot in high school and college, and since then my consistency has gone decidedly downhill.  I am hoping the technology of being online will help me in this endeavor.

Today is day 3 of a pretty major snowstorm here in Cincinnati, and we were all getting a little stir crazy from being stuck inside for several days, so we ventured to the grocery store.  Claire did her usual squirming, crying, trying to grab everything she can in the cart & fling it routine, which I do not remember Kate doing at all.  Kate did pretty well, and got to listen to several Hallmark cards with sound, which is one of her rewards for behaving at the grocery store!  Silly, but she loves it.

There is no preschool for Kate again today, which makes the day challenging for me, in that I have several orders for The Daisy Chain that I need to be working on this afternoon, and my mom was going to watch Claire this afternoon while Kate was at preschool, but no such luck now.  I'm excited that I had another order off the website yesterday from someone I don't know, and as a bonus it was a nursing cover I already have made left from one of the craft shows this fall.  I'm trying to get as many orders sold and shipped as I can before the CPSIA law goes into effect on the 10th of next month and I may have to take down the website (I can't afford to comply with the ridiculous lead-testing requirements it has) and only sell to friends & family.  I really hope they get it straightened out, sooner vs. later.